Author of the Day
Jason Blacker
"Jason writes tall tales because he seems to believe that fiction is more interesting than reality. Though sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. And this conundrum causes small difficulties in his fiction, because if you put too much strangeness into fiction then folks won't believe it.
Nevertheless, he writes stories primarily to entertain himself. The types of stories that he enjoys reading. He's read just about all of Agatha Christie's stories and desperately wanted more, so he developed the Lady Marmalade murder mysteries. These cozy mysteries take place in the UK and elsewhere around the time of the two World Wars.
One of his favorite writers, and writer he considers to be amongst the best of all time is Raymond Chandler. Jason's read all of Raymond Chandler's and Dashiell Hammett's hardboiled mysteries, and as with Agatha Christie, craving more, he started writing the Anthony Carrick hardboiled murder mysteries.
Anthony Carrick is a classic hardboiled PI. He's a tough talking, hard drinking, no nonsense ex-LAPD homicide cop who's attitude and fists oftentimes get him into trouble. But he always solves the crimes he's hired to solve.
Jason is also a huge sci-fi geek and nerd. He loves Star Trek and Star Wars, though he prefers Star Trek to Star Wars. Because of this, he also likes to write sci-fi stories. His favorite Star Trek character is Spock and his favorite Star Wars character is Yoda. In fact, as he writes this, he's rewatching Star Trek: TNG. Fav character from that series has to be Data.
When not writing, Jason enjoys running, calisthenics and squash. He went to art school for a couple of years but doesn't have as much time to paint and draw as he'd like. He's thrown himself out of airplanes a couple of times to figure out why birds fly (because they can 😉). He's been a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker. Well, perhaps not the last one but it rhymed. He's also been a cop, an army and navy veteran and a librarian.
He was born under the African sun, and perhaps because he was a butcher, he's since been a vegan for 27 years. He writes a haiku everyday that's published on his poetry blog and he hopes to one day sell more books than James Patterson, though he'll settle for a tenth of that.
Where to buy Jason's books:
Barnes and Noble