Friday, September 8, 2017

AAAACCCCKKKKK!  Life is very busy around here right now.  I am watching my 3 year old great-nephew, making craft items for my store, Fun Funky n Cool Creations, and making swag for my sister because she will be publishing her first book soon.  She will have a table at Penned Con 2017.  Her name is Debbie Browdy and I am so proud of her.

The 3 year old is her grandson and he was my assistant today working on her swag.


Anonymous said...

How cute. Wanna be in 7th
Heaven with U.S. if you wanna?
LemmeX, miss-gorgeous-babe:
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Cya soon, ya wildflower you...

Anonymous said...

Can't ferget this:
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Cya soon, miss gorgeous...